About a one-day Course:
Facilitating group creativity and innovative action has always been a challenge, perhaps never more so than when a group is tasked to “think out of the box” on the spot and come up with new solutions to a complex problem or situation. This is a highly interactive course that shares methods and tools to explore and practice group innovation. Participants will heighten their creativity quotient with practices that can be immediately applied to foster creative teamwork. These creativity exercises and methods focus on:
- Shaking Up the Mind – limbering up our habits of thought
- Framing and Re-Framing Problems – seeing a problem anew
- Developing Creative Solutions – inspiring pathways for action
* You will receive a reference book with an expanded set of resources for use with your clients.
Who Should Take the Course?
- Group facilitators
- Organizational change agents
- Team leaders
- Community workers and planners
- Project managers
- View group creativity and innovation through a new lens
- Expand your toolkit with methods to enhance creativity methods
- Build confidence in applying multiple practical techniques for facilitating innovative strategies

Facilitation for Innovation (FI) Pricing
Corporate (for-profit) | $750 |
Public/Government | $650 |
Non-Profit: | |
Large Institutions (budgets > $5m) | $750 |
Mid-Sized (budget between $1-5m) | $550 |
Small/Community-based (budget < $1m) | $450 |
Individual/No Organizational Affiliation | |
Independent Consultant | $550 |
Student Rate | $450 |
“Very energetic course, with great tools and methodologies to enhance group creativity and motivation.” ~ Alexis Eslan, John Snow Inc, Denver
“This training was FANTASTIC. I have added many new tools to my facilitation toolbox. I can’t wait to put these into practice in upcoming focus groups and in my office. This is a training absolutely everyone can learn from, even if they think they don’t need it. You will walk away with something new to use.” ~ Kelsey Irvine, MPH – Community Health Planner, Nebraska
“This course is a fantastic orientation to methods for building creativity. It incorporates the principles of design thinking in a hands-on, one-day course.” ~ Carolyn Bloede, California“Facilitation for Innovation: Inspiring Group Creativity” provided me with numerous ways to sneak creativity into my facilitation designs in a way that elicits a broader set of solutions that would not have otherwise been considered ultimately leading to solutions that can work for everyone. I highly recommend this course for policy makers and project managers as well as facilitators…really anyone who needs to create an environment where a tough decision must be made.” Terri Sue C. Rossi Technical Administrator Arizona Water Banking Authority, Phoenix
When full payment or purchase order is received three weeks or more in advance, you can receive a $25 discount for the course.
Cancellation refunds may be received with up to 21 days notice prior to each course. Cancellations received with less than 21 days notice prior to a course will be subject to full payment. If you can’t attend, you may send a substitute or re-schedule for the next course date.
For online registration go to www.top-training.net
For further information, please contact Alisa Oyler at Partners in Participation:
- (602) 312-8229
- AlisaOyler@gmail.com