Partnerships and Collaborations
Collaborative ventures including multi-agency initiatives or cross-functional teams to achieve common objectives often require third party facilitation to engage the members effectively. Partners associates have facilitated the initiation of grassroots initiatives with a wide diversity of interested parties with activities such as Environmental or Historical Scans, Trends or Gap Analysis to inform Vision Workshops that identify unifying goals and objectives. Role Definition retreats or determining Performance Improvement Goals can support the ongoing momentum of collaboration. And Partners can work with your partnership to problem solve plan implementation and engage stakeholders in re-maneuvering.
Illustrative examples of our work with past clients include:
Maryvale Partners in Action. Facilitated the coming together of forty different stakeholders (such as the Fire Department, Police, local school representatives and J.F. Long Community Center staff) from across Maryvale to design programming and support services to address domestic violence. Resulted in the several successful grant solicitations and the implementation of a new Promotores program.
West Valley Cancer Connections. An example of initiating grassroots partnerships, Partners Associates worked with The Wellness Community to engage stakeholders in the west valley to create their own cancer support group by facilitating a two-day action planning retreat. Ongoing facilitation support of their monthly committee meetings resulted in the formation of a new non-profit with 60+ volunteer members who continue cancer outreach and support in the west valley and have held two annual West Valley Cancer Connection Walk and Resource Fairs.
Arizona Community Foundation is the founding partner of the Arizona Communities for All Ages, a statewide network of 10 local collaborations that range from county-wide to inner-city neighborhoods to remote rural communities such as Ajo and Concho. Facilitation of statewide and local planning events for over seven years has contributed to an impressive, diverse array of results in the ten sites. (See
Collaboration of seven midwives organizations. The Midwives Alliance of North America , the North American Registry of Midwives, the Midwifery Education and Accreditation Council, the Citizens for Midwifery, the National Association of Certified Professional Midwives, the Foundation for the Advancement of Midwifery and the International Center for Traditional Childbearing were seeking more effective ways to work together and collaborate on important issues. A Partners associate provided the facilitation and design for the organizations to get to know each other better and to develop a memorandum of understanding to create more effective and collaborative working relationships.